Mag. Stella Müller
Schenkenstraße 8-10/4.Stock Zi 5a
1010 Wien
T: +43 (1) 4277/36010
Consultation Hour
To make an appointment, please contact me via e-mail.
Curriculum Vitae (selection)
Stella Müller has been teaching and researching at the University of Vienna since November 2020. Her research focuses on income taxation, international group taxation and environmental taxation. In the context of her dissertation, Ms Müller is working on the taxation of national capital investments. Previously, Ms. Müller worked as a student assistant at the Institute for European, International and Comparative Law and at the Wiener Zeitung (tax and finance department), where she gained in-depth knowledge for her academic work.
List of Publications
Recent Publications
- SWK-Spezial Reisekosten in der Praxis, 7. Auflage (2020)
- Endbericht - Analyse klimakontraproduktiver Subventionen in Österreich, WIFO (09/2022)
- Klimakontraproduktive Subventionen im Abgabenrecht - eine Analyse des Gestaltungsspielraumes zur Reformierung klimaschädlicher Maßnahmen, ÖStZ 2023/132